Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We have made contact with another descendant of Lawrence McCown. This one is descended from Lawrence's son,Leander who married Jane Gaston. This cousin knows of no male descendants in her line still living. Since we have documentation on Leander and his descendants but no living male to carry on his DNA,we have asked her if she would like to be kept current with our progress because it is pretty much a certainty that Leander's DNA would be very close to Lawrence's and sons William and Eli, and therefor to mine. Jennifer, the newly discovered cousin is definitely interested in our search for our roots both in America and in Ulster.

The doldrums mentioned in the title refer to trying to find parallel family lines and are currently trying to make contact with descendants of Lawrence McKown. We know that this Lawrence's children don't have given names similar to ours, but we could possibly be related several generations before these two Lawrences were born.
Now we have to see if we can get some of these McKowns to take the FTDNA Y-DNA test.